
Monday, December 13, 2010

Trimming the Tree

A Whitman Christmas Story

First we have to get in the mood with Mimosas, in holiday glasses!

Round up the children. Oops, we're missing one!

And Christmas-ize the house inside and out!

Can't wait to see lots of book shaped prezzies under that tree! 

Warm wishes to you and yours! ~Miranda


  1. Thanks for sharing, I loved the pics!!!

    The paneling looks cool and the Singer machine reminds me of my mom. :)

  2. It looks warm and homey and festive. Thanks for sharing :)

  3. Awwwwwwwwwwww Sweet you shared! I love it!!!!! But I think you knew I would!!!
    Hugs to your home from mine!!!!
    Warm wishes to you as well!

  4. Lily - The hubby detests sheetrock, so we've got pine on all the walls.

    Wren - Very warm! The woodstove was cranking. You do see that I am in a tanktop ;)

    Cecile - How could I not share? You guys are sharing too! Hugs to you too!

  5. Hey, I have pine on 3 out of the 4 living room walls. :)

    Kid #2 looks awfully unimpressed... ;)

  6. I love love love. Thanks for sharing the festivities, totally gave me a warm fuzzie :)

  7. Love the tree with that fabulous log cabin look in the background.

    Festive greetings.
